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Rohilesh x Robert Green 1 + 2


Welcome to the first of 13 Masters of the Happiness Platform.

Every person best selling author Robert Greene studied and wrote about, no matter their field, culture, or moment in history, they each followed the same pathway to power.

Happiness Platform 13 Masters series allowed me to interview extraordinary and self-less humans, these are the people making an impact in our world, and I got to go one on one with them to understand, influence, learn and sometimes challenge them. My time with Robert was priceless and I absorbed all I could with this modern day master as he took me through his research and books on Power, Mastery, Seduction and the 50th Law – in addition to his ‘Law of Human Nature’, which will be released in late 2018. You are welcome to access the raw interview on the Happiness Platform / Rohilesh x Robert Greene. And please don’t be too proud or fearful to let me know what you think, and share it around (as I am doing with you) – remember only thieves keep things that can also help others.

When I heard "The 48 Laws of Power" is now being studied as a first year text in some US colleges, I was pleased as this stuff should be taught to those who can make a positive difference. 50 Cent took to it immediately and went on to collaborate with Robert to bring you The 50th Law, which also became a New York Times bestseller. The likes of Jay Z, Busta Rhymes and Drake are just a few who refer to The 48 Laws of Power in lyrics of their hit songs. Some of these men have deconstructed and created industries while enjoying mega stardom and wealth. Fidel Castro was also a fan as am I and many others. It is said that Dov Charney, founder and former CEO of American Apparel, frequently quoted the laws during board meetings, has given friends and employees copies of the book, and appointed Greene to the Board of American Apparel. I hope my conversation with Robert empowers and inspires you to let go of fear and create your own style to greatness. Remember to use your power for good and not hoard what is unnecessary.


Take a minute to reflect on how you could do with a bit more personal power and what would you use it for.

Here are 4 of the 48 Laws Robert shares that I could have done with knowing early in my career. They are hard to master and live by, hence only the extraordinary rise in life to lead the masses.

1. Robert’s Number 5 Law - Infection: Avoid The Unhappy and Unlucky

Associate with the happy and the good and fortunate. You can die from someone else’s misery – emotional states are as infectious as disease and my research shows it can be from people 2 or 3 degrees of separation away from you. You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you.

When Robert had his meeting with 50 Cent to co-author his book ‘50th Law’, Robert expected an intense rapper, ex-drug dealer but what he found was a sweet, gentle man. He concluded that being shot in the face 9 times will make anyone calm in normal situations, having been that close to death. I'll take his word for it and stick to my morning rituals of pranayama and chants. This association is a good example of how they have both benefited each other. As has Robert been a good influence on me through his generous tips on writing my upcoming book ' Rise Warrior Rise'.

2. Robert’s Number 1 Law – Never outshine the Master.

Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please or impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite – inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power. Keep the attention on the boss; never let them feel inferior to yourself. People never tell you what they feel, they hide it and then act in a way to sabotage you or even fire you if you become a threat.

The lesson is that the people above you have insecurities. Your natural take may well be that the people above you don’t care, that they are above jealousy and so on when actually for most people the more powerful they become, in general terms, the more insecure they become with inflated egos and face to protect. Be aware of this. This is why those who suck it up and know how to manage their bosses and colleagues so they do not become a threat, generally do well in corporate – it’s actually very smart because they are setting themselves up to win the long game. You may well be younger, better looking, more liked, perhaps smarter but paying respect to your superiors and colleagues has its advantages. I’m a straight shooter, which works well when I am sensitive to those around me. And this is only possible when I mediate and regulate my emotions and ego so I remain equanimous no matter what the situation, and when I do not meditate my emotions take the better of me and I may offend even those I love with my forthrightness. This is where knowing they self is crucial, just as important as the practice of mind mastery through meditation.

3. Robert’s Number 2 Law - Never put too Much Trust in Friends.

Be wary of friends as they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. You may actually have more to fear from friends than from enemies. This is why it is important to surround yourself with those with the highest standard of virtues and never expect anything from friends - reward them for their time so you owe the nothing. Give them love and gifts but expect nothing in return. Very rare are those who will see your success with joy, when you find these kind souls hold onto them with love.

4. Robert’s Number 4 Law - Say less than you must and keep people intrigued.

When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Because when people talk too much often they are looked upon as being weak. Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem original if you make it vague. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish. Say less than necessary it allows other people to fill in the gaps.

The Power of Seduction is not just for romantic relationships, but can apply to business as well. In business, people are seducing each other everyday; from a position of building a power base around themselves. Learn to seduce by paying deep attention to others when you are with them, to think about the other person – be interested in them and observe them, and give them attention and make them feel heard and appreciated and inspired in your company. Subscribe for more inspirational chats from world experts. Enjoy this knowledge, share it with those you love, and stay tuned for more exciting episodes coming your way.


As the CEO and founder of Populis, I work with organisations to help them build strong people and businesses alike. Through our revolutionary programs including the Happiness Platform™, Master the Art of Sales, The Leadership Framework™, and, we help people to become mentally tougher, to overcome anxiety and restlessness, while increasing their overall satisfaction and performance. If you’d like to discover how Populis can help your business and your people to thrive, please feel free to contact me on +61404049613 or at, or visit for more insights.



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